Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I've been adding 2 drops of rosemary oil to my shampoo twice a week is that good for hairloss?

I have read that it is good, but that only assumes that it is a healthy hair follicle. How much hair are you losing? It could be due to something known as hypofluvium; It's when your hair shafts signal to go into the "resting phase" (normally 1/3 are in the resting phase) and instead of having 2/3 growing again, they fall out. A big reason for this is if you're Thyroid is too low. A blood test can be very wrong at determining this (as mine were for a long time). Hair loss can also be triggered by excessive amounts of testosterone, stress, or iron deficiency/ anemia. If you're not annorexic and you eat enough protein, to not have a hormonal imbalance, then a dermatologist is probably going to give you a scalp shampoo and Rogaine. This doesn't work. What will work is taking Slow Release FE (iron tablets) daily, a supplement like Biotin Forte (it was developed by Cleveland Clinic but you can get it at Walgreens) and keeping your stress level to a minimum. Also, until this gets under control, try not to style your hair much while you are menstruating. For now have the Dr. check your hormone levels, your thyroid, check for anemia, start taking iron supplements at the regular dosage, take Biotin Forte, eat lots of protein (egg yolks are a great source of iron as well) and keep your stress down. Sometimes in severe cases it takes up to a year for the hair follicles to shift back from "resting phase" but generally it's about 6 months. I have been through it and now it is fine unless I am super stressed or don't take my thyroid medicine.
I've been adding 2 drops of rosemary oil to my shampoo twice a week is that good for hairloss?
Too much oil on your scalp will end you having an icthy scalp, dandruff and even more hair loss.... not all oils can be applied on the scalp. Because of our natural oil that the pores develop. The only thing to get rid of hair loss is to change shampoo... if this stills go on for about a week, it might be your hormones or stress, or even getting not enough sleep. However, you still need to check up with a specialist.
Reply:Yes but u don't have to add that to ur shampoo. Get a solution of coconut oil ( best from an indian store) Trust me it really works

sonn you'll have lush thick hair like me!

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