Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is there anyway to plant mediterranean herbs in malaysia?

I have tried to transplant rosemary outside but it died and only 2 of my basils survived. I hope that people can tell me what I should do to plant any other herbs outside. My garden is quite small and want to plant mediterranean herbs. So please give me advise on what I should do to plant them outdoors.
Is there anyway to plant mediterranean herbs in malaysia?
Place them under shade not direct sun and rain. Direct sun will roast them while excessive rain will cause the root to rot. Plant the herbs in horde because seedlings are very fragile and they need support from each other. Water the herbs until the root. Then next day check for moist of the soil before you water by sticking finger at least one inch into the soil. If it is moist, you just have to spray mist on the plants to feed the leaves.
Reply:The rosemary will need to be in a raised bed or pot so it does not get too wet - then it will need some cold rweather for it's dormant period, so you can make a pit in the earth with a translucent plastic cover and let the chilly water from an air conditioner drip in there to chill it or you can add ice each day to make it colder in there. Alternately, you can do that for a while and then place it in a large refrigerator for a month each year to provide an artificial "winter" for it.

The Basil will not live more than a few months anyway - it is an annual and will eventually flower and die and the heat accelerates this. Basil likes good drainage (so place it in a large pot) and it like humidity, which you should have plenty of. Place it in filtered sun or partial sun, since yours may be too extreme over there combined with the heat. Pinch off any flowers that try to form to keep it going - but you will need to plant new seeds every few weeks so there is always a plant ready for harvesting - at least they do not survive the winter, so you do not need to provide one for them!

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