Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to grow Rosemary from seed?

l realize that rosemary seeds take awhile to sprout from seed. just wondering how long does it usually take them to start to sprout?

once they have started to sprout how should l look after them?

do they like to be well watered or do they like to be wet but not drenched?

l do know that they like to be facing a south side window, right now l have the seeds under grow lights and also underneath the tray l have a garden heat mat. l'm also keeping them moist with misting them every few hours so the soil doesn't dry out.

l'm l doing it right?

sorry for all these questions. l grew rosemary a few years back once but l failed at it and they never sprouted. l'm hoping that these ones will do better.
How to grow Rosemary from seed?
Rosemary prefers a light soil, a sandy soil will fully satisfy its meagre feeding needs. Having said that, rosemary is tolerant of most soil conditions as long as they are not water-logged. Rosemary prefers a slightly limey soil (the opposite of acid) because this results in smaller plants with more fragrant leaves. True to it's origins, rosemary prefers sunny and sheltered conditions. It will stand severe frosts if conditions are not windy and wet as well.

Sow the seeds in potting compost around mid-May time and place in a sheltered position in the garden - unfortunately you will only achieve a success rate of about 15%. The seedlings may well take up to 2 months to appear so don't give up hope until maybe 3 months has past.

For more reading folow the link below.

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