Thursday, January 26, 2012

Growing Rosemary?

I have no problem growing a wide range of herbs-just one.

Whatever I do with Rosemary it just doesn't flourish.I've tried different soil mixes-keeping it dry or well watered-giving it sun-all the options I can think of.It doesn't die on me but sits there in a complete state of apathy and non growth.Everyone says Rosemary is easy and to make matters worse just outside of our house there's a whole bed of it spreading itself without care or attention from anyone.Any ideas??
Growing Rosemary?
I had the same pb, attributed it to quality of plants, I always check out other gardens in my area and noticed two huge rosemary bushes in one, asked the owner permission to take cuttings, put them in water, after roots developed I planted in pot (2 month ago) they seem to be thriving, the test will be how they survive in the summer.also check site below
Reply:cuttings are the best way to propagate rosemary. and yes rosemary takes awhile to establish itself. and rosemary is best left alone. don't mess with it too much other than misting the newly planted cutting. once you have some roots. snip off the top to incourage branching. good luck. gotta love fresh rosemary..
Reply:Rosemary prefers well drained soil on the dry side and plenty of warm sunshine. Buy healthy plants and take care to gently spread the roots when transplanting. If grown inside, check the soil for insects. They can be treated with horticultural soap. Give rosemary a monthly feeding with a well balanced fertilizer and pinch back the growing tips for bushy growth. Hope this helps. Happy gardening!
Reply:Rosemary likes hot sun and very little water it seems. I have a large bush which gets very little water, a lot of sun and so far no fertiliser. You may be giving it too much care.
Reply:I think you're an immature gardener

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