Monday, January 30, 2012

What grows best in a herb garden?

I am just starting to plant my garden. I decided to do a small herb garden. I would like some examples of herbs that are pretty easy to grow and that taste great. I cook alot with oregano, basil, rosemary, and parsley. Have any tips or any other suggestions for a great garden? Thanks.
What grows best in a herb garden?
You can't go wrong with an herb garden. The ones you mentioned do very well, and I have them in my garden. You might want to plant a bit of thyme as well. It's good for seasoning meats, and smells wonderful. You may also want to plant some dillweed and mint.
Reply:I was very tempted to say herbs, but that would be getting off to a bad start! lol. I have chives, marjorum, rosemary. basil,parsley,oregano,thyme,lemon verbena(also great as an ornamental shrub), %26amp; a bay tree.All are easy to grow %26amp; respond well to being harvested regularly once the plant is established.
Reply:It's always nice to have fresh herbs in your garden whenever you need them. There are lots of herbs you can grow, like basil. There are some important things you might want to know about using your own herbs for cooking here:
Reply:I will say not to plant orange mint. It will completely take over your herb garden. We have oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage, italian parsley, and peppermint (good for bad breath on the patio). All of these do really well with minimal watering. Good luck.
Reply:I grow one every year and the one that will come back each time is chives. Basil is also a good one, gets nice and bushy if you keep the leaves and flowers pinched back. Lavender is amazing because of the aroma. Happy Gardening!
Reply:They are all easy to grow. Some are perennials and will come back and some are not.

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