Monday, January 30, 2012

Dying rosemary...?

When my friend passed away his mom gave me his rosemary bush. It was bright green when she gave me it two weeks ago. Now it's brown and crunchy feeling. I water it once everyday, and it gets full sunlight for at least six hours. What can I do to help my rosemary?!
Dying rosemary...?
First off I am sorry for your loss.

What time of the day are you watering the plant? If you are watering it during the hottest part of the day you may be scorching it? Try to water in the mornings or evenings. Here is a site that I found telling you about the care for rosemary. Good luck, I hope it makes a come back.
Reply:Don't water the friends plant for a week. Buy a new rosemary plant,and put it in good soil and do not over water.

It needs some sun. Ours near the kitchen steps, the southeast corner gets only the morning sun only and it grows well in our primarily sandy and nutrient poor soil.. I deep water and then I don't water it for awhile (maybe a week). I've also neglected it for several weeks, yet it's survived.
Reply:Rosemary and other herbs want full sun and full neglect. Watering daily (unless it's a new transplant) will effectively rot the roots and kill an extremely hard to kill perennial herb. They prefer to be in the ground and are winter hardy in zone 8 from my experience.
Reply:First off, is the planter that it is in big enough for the size of the plant? You might need to get a new planter and replant it. I would suggest Miracle Grow veg/flower soil. It's a little expensive but we have used it and our rosemary lasts for months. You also might be giving it too much water. Water it deeply every three to four days. Make sure you have some drainage holes in the bottom of the planter so that excess water can drain out. Good Luck.

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