Monday, January 30, 2012

What are the best herbs and veggies to make a garden with?

I know about basil, rosemary, and tomatoes. They are said to be good crop. What else should I put?
What are the best herbs and veggies to make a garden with?
the best vegetable to start with if you havent grown vegetables are: radishes, these are really simple to grow and here in california you can plant a couple of crops in one harvest. carrots, but make sure you use a mix of potting soil and sand even if you replace your soil with potting soil they still have a hard time growing down same with onions. lettuce, any kind, make sure you keep a ring of snail bait around it at all times. beans are another good and hardy crop i grew all these from seeds from walmart and had an excellent crop good starting veggies so you wont be discouraged.

hope this helps
Reply:Get yourself a vegetable garden book for your region. They will give you tons of ideas and let you know what plants are compatible with what plants. Some plants thrive when planted near something else and some don't do well together at all. Like planting onions within 10 feet of tomato's or cucumber plants is a bad idea.

Also plan your garden into 4 sections and each year rotate your garden sections so you don't start having problems with a lot of bad bugs and you don't mess up the soil as easily.
Reply:I like chives, parsley, oregano, thyme and mint too. They are all easy to grow. I'm also big on cucumbers but they can be messy.

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