Friday, January 27, 2012

What is the relationship between the Giver and Rosemary in the novel "The Giver"?

I have found 4 summaries for you to look at, click a link below to take you to a summary of the book.

The Giver

Like Jonas, who is a young person with the wisdom of an old person, the Giver is a bit of a paradox. He looks ancient, but he is not old at all. Like someone who has seen and done many things over many years, he is very wise and world-weary, and he is haunted by memories of suffering and pain, but in reality his life has been surprisingly uneventful. More…..


Rosemary was The Giver’s daughter. Selected ten years earlier to become the new Receiver of Memory, she began training with The Giver, but after only five weeks, she asked to be released from the community.

Good luck.

Kevin, Liverpool, England.
What is the relationship between the Giver and Rosemary in the novel "The Giver"?
Rosemary was the previously chosen giver, to recieve memories from the giver. she died and her memories were released upon the sommunity to be experienced by everyone. the community couldn't handle it because they were a bunch of pansy wussies.
Reply:Rosemary – the Elders' previous selection to be the new Receiver of Memory, when Jonas was a Two. Her training failed, in a way which impacted the entire Community: defeated by the memories of loss and hurt which the Giver was forced to transfer, she asked for Release. Once she was "Elsewhere", the memories given her had no place to go, so they floated freely. The Giver reveals that Rosemary was his daughter, though some believe the Giver uses the term "daughter" metaphorically.
Reply:Its a good question that you ask.I went to a book review and to meet Loui Lowry the other day, and i asked her the same exact question. The way she explained it to me was that Rosemary was the givers daughter and that because there was no gossip and everyone was quiet in the town they didn't want anyone to know about it. But when Jonas meets Rosemary they talk about how to full fill the task of the receiver and how you would have to work with the giver.And then the subject of the giver came up and Rosemary told him the truth.
Reply:they want each other

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