Monday, January 30, 2012

How long should I "marinate" with a dry rub recipe for pork loin?

The recipe I found calls for fresh rosemary and minced garlic, rubbed all over the pork. Is it ok to do that and let it "marinate" in the fridge overnight or put it in the oven afterwards?
How long should I "marinate" with a dry rub recipe for pork loin?
Yes overnight is good.
Reply:This is what I do.

Let sit out at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Roast uncovered for about 1 hour or until the internal temperature is 150 degrees F (the cooking time will vary depending on the size of roast).

Remove and cover with foil, let stand for 20 minutes before slicing.

You will gain a lot of flavor if leave overnight too.
Reply:if you need to eat it today, an hour would be already good.

overnight is also good, if you'll eat it tomorrow, don't forget to put inside the ref.

Reply:Overnight is best pork loin will be well marinate
Reply:(Wow, I was sure you said loin and not ribs.) That was very educational, and If you are not too tired after reading all that: If you are using fresh garlic and fresh rosemary it would taste fantastic marinated overnight. I would add salt and pepper just before putting it in the oven and you are going to get rave! Good Luck and happy eating!
Reply:Pork ribs are purchased in SLABS, consisting of about 15 bones in each

slab. A RACK is a SLAB cut in half (6-8 bones). Ribs come in four

categories, defined by the location on the hogs rib cage they are cut from:

COUNTRY STYLE...these are more like pork chops and not considered a true

rib...pork chop shaped bone. At opposite end of loin backs. Sold in pieces.

LOIN BACK....this is the cut closest to the spine..where the tenderloin is

located.. Short and very curved bones. Sold in slabs or half-slabs (racks)

and usually weigh 2 and down (1.75 - 2 pounds a slab). (The BABY BACK is

simply a loin back off a baby hog..or hog under 85# when dressed Babyback

slabs usually weigh 1 3/4 and down. Sold in slabs, it is a Gourmet cut of


SPARE....more of the middle and lower section of the ribcage. Spares have

flat oval bones. Largest of the rib categories..and usually have an extra

piece of meat on the underside of the rib, called the Brisket, or tip,

which is trimmed off prior to cooking. Usually weighs 3 and down. For

BBQ'ing, spares are trimmed somewhat similar the shape of the State of

Tennessee..flat on left, angled on right..and straight even on top and

bottom, with brisket removed (and cooked separate, if desired, known as the

'trash ribs')

ST. LOUIS CUT...this is a cut of ribs that is the border area between the

loin and the is a flat oval shaped bone slab,

similar to the spare, but from the top it looks like a loin back. Great for

outdoor BBQ'ing for friends, and a must for Texas Style competitions.

Which is best to cook? Well...I guess it depends on how much room you have

on your grill, and what is the occasion. Spares are for feeding the

masses..and the loin backs are better for small dinners or picnics, on

smaller grills. Figure on providing a full slab for heavy eaters and a rack

for normal appetites.

The best place to buy Loin back Ribs now in small quantities is Sam's Club.

They come 3 slabs to the cryrovac package. I know lots of professional BBQ

cookers who get their championship ribs from Sam's.

You should never pay more than: $6-7 a slab for loins, $6 for spares, and

$6-7 a slab for St. Louis.


The two most critical points of cooking any type of BBQ is....time and

temperature....both low and slow! This is how I prepare Ribs for


I choose Loin back's 2 and down...and keep them iced down (not Frozen)

before time to cook. While I start my fire and get the grill up to a warm

temp. of about 180 F, I take the ribs out and set them on a table to come

close room temp. (as you should with ALL meats you grill or BBQ).

I take a slab and remove the back membrane by twisting and bending the slab

like an accordion, and then placing the slab on a flat surface and running

a small Phillips head screwdriver down a bone in the MIDDLE of the slab,

CAREFULLY separating the bone from the membrane (also known as the tallow).

Working the blade of the screwdriver slowly sideways on one end of the

slab, until a space big enough for my index finger to enter the pocket

created between the bone and the membrane. I then CAREFULLY work to the

opposite end of the slab..until two, then three fingers are to the other

side....then I lift STRAIGHT UP AND AWAY FROM THE middle of the slab...this

pulls the membrane away from the middle of the slab and slowly releases

from the slab...until it is joined only at the tips....just lift this

membrane off and discard it. REMEMBER to take your time for the first

one..and it gets easier to do as you go along. Just work the membrane off

slowly and try to remove it as one piece, if some of it tears and stays on

the slab, don't worry..just leave it. You do not have to do this part..but

it is worth the effort! REMOVE MEMBRANES ON LOIN BACK'S ONLY!!! Spares are

darned near impossible to totally remove!

Next..I trim the two end bones off each tip...leaving a 12 bone slab. I do

this because it looks better, cooks better, and sometimes there are bone

fragments in the tips, no fun for judges to bite into!

Then...while the fire is still heating, I squirt some Italian Dressing on

both sides of the ribs. This adds a unique flavor and gives the dry rub

something to stick to while the ribs are smoking. I then sprinkle a dry rub

on both sides of the slab. Try OLD BAY seasoning, found in the seafood

section of Kroger by the meat case. All that Rendezvous Seasoning utilizes

is Old bay with some cracked white peppercorns!! You can make you own dry

rub from scratch, make it spicy or mild. This is the fun part of ribs..the

experimentation with the rub. You don't have to rub the spice,

just sprinkle over the top, bottom (if you get the membranes off) ends and

sides of the slab. A good rule of thumb is to make sure there is no

unspiced red meat exposed anywhere! WARNING: Stay away from large amounts

of salt in your rub, it draws moisture out of this delicate cut of meat,

and will dry it out! SUGAR in the rub will caramelize during cooking and

will blacken your ribs unnecessarily. Leave the rub on about 10 minutes

before putting the slabs on the grill.

NEVER put the ribs on the cooker meat side down, always put the slab BONE

SIDE to the fire, You should rotate your slabs if the fire is hotter on one

side of the grill than the other...or rotate the slabs 180 degrees, but

don't move them from their starting spots, etc. Point is, don't expose

meats to a hot spot on the grill for very long, but keep them rotated, so

that all the pieces get some of the hot spot!

If you are cooking on a gas grill, it is imperative you do the following:

Cook at as low a temp. as you can without your burner flaming out. Cook as

far away from the flame as you can, if a double burner, put meat over the

unlit side, for example. AVOID FLAIRUPS!! Remember..time and temperatureYou MUST introduce smoke to the meat, or it will not be BBQ. Period. Use

some hardwood pellets or moistened Chips of hickory or mesquite combo

applied to your lava rocks. Oak is fine. NEVER USE RESINOUS WOOD, such as

cedar or pine..the resin can impart toxins to the meat and make everyone

sick. Smoke flavor is imparted to meats only within the first 2 hours and

at below temps of 200F. Excessive smoking can only serve to blacken the

meat, or overpower the flavor with smoke. After two hours the meat 'seals'

and nothing else can penetrate the meat...that is why the low temps are so

critical to imparting the BBQ spices and smoke deeper into the meat early

on in the process.

If you can not impart smoke to the meat, there is one other

alternative...marinate the ribs in large ziplock freezer bags with each two

slabs getting one cup of Worcestershire Sauce, one half cup of Wicker's

marinade, and one tablespoon of Liquid Smoke, which is a product found in

the same section as the Wicker's. Marinade overnight..or for at least 8

hours before applying dry rub. It gives a false flavor, but it is better

than no smoke flavor at all.


It should take about 6 hours at 200 degrees (get an oven thermometer and

place it on the grill close to the meat...this is the thermometer to pay

attention to!), or 5 hours at 225, or 4 hours at 250. NEVER COOK HIGHER

THAN 250F!! All you are doing at that temp. is grilling, and you cannot

successfully grill any cut of rib, except for Country Style Ribs.

Apply Smoke for first 2 hours. After one hour, baste ribs with anything!

Beer, wine, Wickers, Gramma's favorite pork baste, whatever...just don't

let the ribs tryout!

After two hours of smoking, wrap EACH SLAB in HEAVY DUTY aluminum foil. Be

careful not to punch holes in foil. This is the STEAMING process, which is

the secret part that makes the ribs so tender. To further tenderize the

meat, pour a 1/3 cup of marinade, or Citric liquid (OJ or pineapple juice

works best) into the foil over the meat, before carefully sealing the top

of the foil. Wrap tight BUT WATCH FOR HOLES IN THE FOIL. Double or triple

wrap, if necessary! That is why the extra heavy-duty foil is so important.

Cook in foil another 2 hours, at the lower temps and 1.5 hours if cooking

at 250.

NOTE: at the end of the foil process, when you open the foil of one slab to

inspect, look for bones shining at you...this means they are steaming too

fast and remove from grill immediately! If there is still mostly meat over

the top of the slab, you are ok. After 1.5 to 2 hours in the foil, take one

slab off the grill and open the foil. Watch for hot steam! When you see

this small amount of BLACK LIQUID (rendered fat) at the bottom of the foil,

that is the signal to remove the slabs from the foil. This Black stuff is

the so called "pig taste" that good rib cooks replace with pure BBQ

flavoring. If you are not careful, the black liquid will literally be

reabsorbed into the meat, making them a little more 'porky' in flavor. I

sometimes stack my slabs on their dominos to allow the Fat to

slow off the slabs into the bottom of the foil. Again, watch out for

pinholes in the foil!

At the appropriate time, remove the foil and place the slabs back on the

grill....this will finish the cooking and firm up the ribs if they have gotten too tender. About 30 minutes before serving...paintbrush on a

mixture of:

8 parts BBQ Sauce (Cattleman's, Kraft or your own recipe will do) 2 parts

honey some rub (to your taste)

NOT TOO MUCH if you prefer a dry rib...SWAB IT ON if you want a wet rib.

When the ribs are done, take off grill and let cool for about 10 minutes

(as again, you should do with ALL grilled foods) before serving. Just

before serving, lightly dust the slabs with your dry rub. Cut into 3 or 4

bone sections, and ENJOY! Make sure you have plenty of Moist Towlettes or

warm strips of cloth soaked in lemon juice, to fix up the sticky fingers.

Serve with French Bread or Texas Toast, BBQ Beans and Potato Salad, with

the sauce on the side for those who prefer.

Ribs can be frozen after cooking. Wrap in clear film or foil and place in

the freezer. Leave in foil off the grill if you plan on freezing and

cooking later. That required last hour of grilling/finishing will be

achieved in the warming oven at a later date.

To cook frozen ribs, remove from freezer and let thaw for two hours.

Wrapped foil, and put in an oven at 220 for 45 minutes, they are almost as

good as hot off the grill! Don't forget the sauce!

Article Source:
Reply:overnight or ten hours would be ideal.
Reply: --JAS

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